Thursday, March 7, 2013


Same-sex Marriage

The media effects theories 'selective perception', and agenda- setting' are portrayed in this cartoon. Selective perception, influences individuals to think of an issue from their own viewpoint; while agenda-setting, primarily focuses on what a reader should be thinking about.
 The author has relayed that same-sex couples, have one major flaw;  they can't procreate.
One man  is saying "Soon our numbers will grow as we produce more who share our preferences"
Since same-sex couples cannot reproduce the cartoon is suggesting their partnership is a useless one.

Tornoe The News Journal
This large 4-tier wedding cake with a bride & groom on top reading 'Marriage' represents superiority. Next to it, is an inferior, minuscule cupcake identified as 'Civil Unions'. One is obviously greater and more glorified. This media effects theory is known as 'Framing'.  It attracts readers attentions and influences their views on the issue of marriage vs civil unions. It also identifies the bias placed upon same-sex couples.
Ward Sutton

This cartoon is pointing out the irony of "Marriage being a sacred institution" that it's only for "traditional couples".
It says, conservatives such as George Bush, and The Pope, among others support marriage exclusively between a man and woman, even if it's a bogus relationship.
"Shotgun" weddings, marrying for money, game show marriages, drunken Vegas marriages, but not same-sex marriages- even if they couple is really in love.
I think it's demonstrating selective perception- how we see and make sense of the world. Agenda setting, telling us what to think about; and also 'framing', in that it "selects and calls attention to certain aspects of a story".

Cagle Cartoons Date: 3/2/2012. Cartoonist: Milt Priggee

This cartoon suggests that same-sex couples are destroying the institution of marriage, implying that anyone can marry, making it not as sacred.
'Selective retention' for some people, who are against same-sex marriage, this confirms their beliefs that not everyone should be allowed to marry.

Graham Harrop 'Truthiness"

This media effects theory,  'framing' emphasizes traditional  marriage as being between "a man, a woman, and the mortgage company..
I interpreted this cartoon as being locked into marriage,  along with their mortgage, for 30 years.  The picture portrays an unhappy couple, in my opinion. They are facing opposite directions, unengaged with each other.
For better or worse, "traditional marriage" is intended to be this way, whether or not they love each other.

David Horsey LA Times

Cultivation Theory immediately came to mind when I read this cartoon.
              The political debate on same-sex marriage along with Obama's stance was ultimately portrayed as being favored.
Cultivation builds images about society that influence the way we perceive issues.
 In this particular cartoon, it could sway your vote one way or another about a presidential candidate. 

  This cartoon, to me, illustrates the 'agenda-setting' theory. The two gentlemen in the picture are standing before a military leader being told they may soon be allowed to serve in the military as an openly gay couple; however, they still cannot get married. It influences our perception of how the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy is making strides, but the issue of gay marriage is still hindering.  Agenda-setting tells you what to think about and what is considered relevant.

Kirk Walters, Toledo Blade

This cartoon, to me, illustrates the 'agenda-setting' theory.
The two gentlemen in the picture are standing before a military leader being told they may soon be allowed to serve in the military as an openly gay couple; however, they still cannot get married.
It influences our perception of how the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy is making strides, but the issue of gay marriage is still hindering.  Agenda-setting tells you what to think about and what is considered relevant.

Jeff Stahler, The Columbus Dispatch, Ohio

The famous "I  New York" shirt was used with the words "even more" below to describe feelings of satisfaction regarding the Marriage Equality Act that was passed. 
The cartoon 'frames' New York's political stance on same-sex marriage; and limits any other possible interpretation of this illustration.